Unacceptable Working Conditions

By:Dyllan Welby September 13, 2017

Recently, many people have began to debate on whether or not it is acceptable to have television crews from news stations reporting in the middle of strong and dangerous storms. This past sunday morning, Bill Weir, a veteran CNN correspondent was talking to one of the news anchors in the middle of a live shot in Key Largo. He could barely stand and at one point was almost literally blown away by a gust of wind.


After videos of this began to spread across the internet people complained about how awful and dangerous this was. Others pointed out that they were standing in the weather others were being advised to stay out of. This tradition of

television crews standing in the middle of dangerous storms has been going on since decades ago.


Though many people who see this think it’s dangerous and just not okay, the correspondents actually put into these situations don’t mind as much as you would expect. Of course, this doesn’t go for all. Some feel that by being put into the storm it shows others what you would experience and why you must stay out of it so it’s okay if they’ll be keeping other safe. Veteran reporters all say they take every precaution to stay out of life-threatening situations. So knowing they are helping people and have taken as many precautions as possible makes the job a little easier.


Dan Rather, a former CBS news anchor, from 1961 was the first reporter to film live in the middle of a hurricane. He reported while Hurricane Carla was in the process of destruction. This gave him a lot of fame since he was introducing something new and he even got moved to a news anchor which was better than what he was doing before.


Nowadays seeing these kind of things are normal to us. And news reporters say they have gotten used to the criticism. Some say that if these reporters can stand out in the storm why can’t they. The responses they usually get are that these news correspondents don’t want to go report from these places just for the fun of it. They do it so that other people can see how bad conditions really are and why it’s in their best interests to stay as far away as possible.


Most people never used to show much attention or concern for the people who work for these networks that go out and do this. But considering the recent invents where they could actually see how dangerous it is for them, these kind of things have gained a lot more attention. People have been debating whether this is okay. Some people are even saying that we should all find a way to make this kind of work stop. These news reporters are people too. They have families and should also be kept safe and away from the bad weather. All of these things have discussed across social media.

Whether or not change will actually be made. This has become a very popular subject, especially on social media. It may or may not just blow over, but as of right now it’s a current conflict then many people have began to form their own opinions on.
