A person should never make an important decision alone

Rylee Lonergan

October 23rd,2018

A person should never make an important decision alone



Throughout your entire lifetime at some point an important decision will pop up and you will have to decide what to do. Some people may believe it is best to get someone else to help make the decision. Other people think that making the decision alone is best. Making the decision alone is the better option only you know what is right for you when it comes to your life. As you get older there will be many important decisions from job opportunities, apartments,houses, buying cars and medical decisions. You are the only person that knows you best in order to make your own decisions. It is a good idea to maybe get someone else’s opinion because they can get you thinking in a different way and that could be a good thing. Ultimately the decision is up to you.  A decision can range from being important to a very simple decision.  We might only see our only side of the decision and it’s best to get a helping hand. When it comes to buying a house at a certain age when you feel ready that is a big step and commitment you might want to buy a house but you might not be sure if it’s the best option or the time is right. That is where a friend or family member comes into play to give you advice and give their opinion which could ultimately lead to your decision. I know there are moments in everyone single person life where they need help making a decision. Everyday we go through making decisions we might not realize it but it’s true. Life throws many decisions your way especially as you grow older but those we involve in our life who are important to us can help guide us make these decisions we might not be able to make. Our friends, family, teachers can all help guide us into making decisions. College is being talked about as most of us are getting ready for our senior year or getting ready to graduate. The college you choose will determine the education you get, your future and what it holds. That decision is all in your hands but that is why we have teachers, counselors, parents and siblings that can help us through this time and help us narrow down our options that best fit us. College is getting us ready for our future and future career it is scary but with help along the way we all should be fine. Guidance to making any decision is always an option,while we make those decisions.There will be plenty of decisions to make throughout your lifetime it’s necessary to get guidance Making an important decision alone is not always the best option.  You should make decisions with other people’s advice and opinions.
